To Worship Something Better
December 18, 2016 Preacher: Steve Thiel Series: All I Want for Christmas
Topic: Christmas Passage: Matthew 2:1–12
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To Worship Something Better
Christ Proclamation Church
Matthew 2:1-12e
December 18, 2016
Sermon Theme: We must worship the one True King, Jesus Christ, fully and without distraction, understanding clearly that He alone is worthy of glory and honor and praise!
I. Consider the Kings - (Matthew 2:1-6)
A. Herod – Made King of the Jews
B. Jesus – Born King of the Jews
C. Prophecy – Born in Bethlehem
II. Compare The Responses - (Matthew 2:7-12)
A. Herod – Rejecting the True King
B. Religious Leaders – Neglecting the True King
C. Wise Men – Worshiping the True King(passage)
1. The Ascribe Authority
2. They Demonstrate Humility
2. They Respond Joyfully
2. They Give Sacrificially
III. Challenge Your Worship
A. Prepare to Worship the One True King
B. Protect from Worshiping False Kings
C. Present Your Treasures Before the King

More in All I Want for Christmas
December 25, 2016
To Experience Something GreaterDecember 11, 2016
To Believe in Something Bigger