Innocent, Yet Suffering
November 5, 2017 Preacher: Steve Thiel Series: Genesis
Topic: Genesis Passage: Genesis 39:1– 40:23
Innocent, Yet Suffering
Christ Proclamation Church
Genesis 39:1-40:23
November 5, 2017
Sermon Theme: God is with His people both in prosperity and adversity. His presence, however, does not mean that we will not suffer for the sake of the gospel. We must follow Jesus in being willing to suffer so that we might experience the eternal weight of glory that is beyond all comparison.
I. Innocent Suffering With Potiphar
A. Joseph is a Slave – (39:1-6)
1. The Lord is with Him
2. The Lord Blesses Him
B. Joseph is Righteous – (39:7-10)
1. Commanded to Sin
2. Committed to Righteousness
C. Joseph is Falsely Accused – (39:11-20))
II. Innocent Suffering in Prison
A. Joseph is a Prisoner – (39:21-23))
1. The Lord is with Him
2. The Lord Blesses Him
B. Joseph is a Prophet – (40:1-22)
1. Interested in Fellow Prisoners
2. Interprets Their Dreams
C. Joseph is Forgotten – (40:23))
III. Innocent Suffering of Jesus
A. Tempted, Yet Without Sin – (Matt. 4, Heb. 4:15)
B. Innocent, Yet Willingly Suffers – (1 Peter 2:20-24)
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