SERVICE TIME CHANGE:  Starting Sunday, December 1st, Sunday Worship services will be at 9:00 a.m and 11:00 a.m.

Resolved to Depend on God

February 9, 2020 Preacher: Steve Thiel Series: Ezra & Nehemiah

Topic: Nehemiah Passage: Nehemiah 1:1– 2:8

Christ Proclamation Church
Sunday, 2/9/2020
Nehemiah 1:1-2:8

Sermon Theme: When Nehemiah receives the report that God’s people and God’s city are in trouble, he mourns the news, prays to God, and engages the situation. This pattern of mourning, prayer, and action culminates in the Lord Jesus and is the pattern we must be resolved to emulate in our daily lives!

I. Nehemiah Receives the News (Nehemiah 1:1-3)
  A. Background to the Report (Nehemiah 1:1)
  B. Request for a Report (Nehemiah 1:2-3)
    1. Bad news regarding God's people
    2. Bad news regarding God's place

II. Nehemiah Responds in Prayer (Nehemiah 1:4-11)
  A. Nehemiah Mourns the News (Nehemiah 1:4)
  B. Nehemiah Pleads for God to Act (Nehemiah 1:5-11)
    1. Reveres the God of the Bible
    2. Repents of Israel's sin and his own sin
    3. Remembers God's promises
    4. Requests God's favor on his efforts

III. Nehemiah Reacts with Boldness (Nehemiah 2:1-8)
  A. Nehemiah Engages the King (Nehemiah 2:1-5)
  B. King Responds in Abundance (Nehemiah 2:6-8a)
  C. God Blesses Nehemiah's Efforts (Nehemiah 2:8b)

More in Ezra & Nehemiah

March 29, 2020

The Need for Repentance

March 22, 2020

Living Gloriously Different

March 15, 2020

Knowing the God of Prayer