Idolatry and Intercession
July 10, 2022 Preacher: Steve Thiel Series: Exodus: The Gospel According to Moses
Passage: Exodus 32:1– 33:6
Idolatry and Intercession
Christ Proclamation Church
Sunday, 7/10/2022
Exodus 32:1–33:6
Sermon Theme: The golden calf demonstrates how quickly hearts can turn from a covenant commitment to horrific idolatry. Therefore, we must flee temptation. But to do so, we must cling to Christ, our glorious Mediator, whose substitutionary atonement satisfies God’s wrath against sin!
I. ISRAEL'S IDOLATRY - (Exodus 32:1–10)
A. Golden Calf - (Exod. 32:1–6)
B. Broken Commandments - (Exod. 20:1–7)
1. Commandment 1: No Gods Before Me!
2. Commandment 2: No Graven Images!
3. Commandment 3: No Taking My Name in Vain!
C. Horrific Judgment - (Exod. 32:7–10)
II. MOSES' INTERCESSION - (Exodus 32:11–33:6)
A. Intercession with God - (Exod. 32:11–14)
1. These Are Your People - (Exod. 32:11)
2. This Is Your Reputation - (Exod. 32:12)
3. This Is Your Promise - (Exod. 32:13–14)
B. Intercession with Israel - (Exod. 32:15–29)
1. Confronts the Situation - (Exod. 32:15–20)
2. Confronts the Leader - (Exod. 32:21–24)
3. Confronts the People - (Exod. 32:25–29)
C. Intercession with God - (Exod. 32:30–33:6)
1. Reality of Judgment - (Exod. 32:33–33:6)
2. Need for a Mediator - (Exod. 32:30–32)
III. TODAY'S IDOLATRY - (Application)
A. Confronting Idols - (1 Cor. 10:6–14)
B. Clinging to Christ - (1 Cor. 5:21)
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