
Our vision is to see God display His power by saving sinners and sanctifying saints through the faithful proclamation of the gospel by all of its members to His eternal glory (1 Corinthians 2:1-5). Stated briefly, our vision is "knowing Christ and making Christ known.

We envision a church that faithfully and relevantly proclaims Jesus Christ and Him crucified from the whole Bible, in all contexts, and to all people.

We envision a church that will impact Greater Hartford with the gospel of Jesus Christ as sinners are transformed from rebels into worshippers of God in Christ.

We envision a church shepherded by godly men who lay down their lives in Christ-like humility, looking to Jesus, the Chief Shepherd, as our example of sacrificial service to the flock of God.

We envision a church with vibrant whole-hearted worship and deep and transparent body life, where people are vunerable with one another and real before God.

We envision a church in which the gospel of Jesus Christ is displayed before a watching world by our Christ-like love for one another; a love that is sacrifical, bears one another's burdens, considers others as more important than ourselves, and stimulates one another to love and good deeds.

We envision a church whose members live intentionally to reach the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ, who seek to meet needs compassionately but with gospel-driven clarity, knowing that sharing the gospel is the most loving thing that we can ever do for someone.

We envision a church with strategic outreach to families, universities, local schools, and businesses as a means of reaching every generation with the gospel and developing future leaders of the church.

We envision a church whose corporate heart beats for Christ's mission to preach the gospel to all nations.  We are eager to partner with gospel-proclaiming missionaries and missions organizations.

We envision a church that has church planting in its DNA, strategically launching new church-planting churches throughout the Connecticut River Valley by sending trained and supported men and their families into needy areas.