2017 - Reformation 500th Anniversary Conference

Here We Stand!

October 31, 2017 marked the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther nailing his 95 Theses to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany. This act jump started the Reformation and spread the Good News far and wide that God saves sinners by grace alone through faith alone for the sake of Christ alone.

Proclamation's Reformation Conference to celebrate this event was a great success!  Our distinguished speakers provided us with an indepth look at the Reformation, the Scripture God used to recapture the Gospel, and the ripple effects they had and still have today. 



Session 1 -  A World Ripe for Reform - Glenn Sunshine
Session 2 - The Reform of Word and Sacrament - Glenn Sunshine
Session 3 - Calvin and the Reformed Tradition - Glenn Sunshine
Session 4 - Lessons from the Reformation - Don Willeman




Glenn S. Sunshine holds his PhD in Renaissance and Reformation History from the University of Wisconsin, Madison and an M.A. in Church History from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, IL. He is also a content advisor for the “'Wide Angle’ Worldview Curriculum,” a project of the Wilberforce Forum and Purpose Driven Ministries, and a senior faculty member for the Centurions Program at Breakpoint, part of the Wilberforce Forum.

Professor Sunshine is currently a professor of history at Central Connecticut State University and a research fellow of the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty. Previously, he taught at Calvin College and was a visiting professor at the Universität der Bundeswehr-Hamburg (now Helmut Schmidt University) in Germany. He is author of several books and is a contributor to the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation, and the Encyclopedia of Protestantism.



Don Willeman is the founding pastor of Christ Redeemer Church (CRC) in Hanover, NH. Since its founding in 2000, CRC has grown to be a 400-person congregation with a vibrant ministry to the Dartmouth College campus. In addition, Pastor Willeman leads a growing church planting, resourcing and revitalizing initiative that has already started churches in both New Hampshire and Vermont. Through this initiative he leads CRC in training Christian ministers through immersive internships and pastoral residency programs. Prior to moving to New Hampshire Don earned a Master of Theology (Th.M.) degree from Dallas Theological Seminary and led church and campus-based ministries in Ohio, Michigan, Texas, and Vermont. He has taught classes on church history and Reformational theology for the last 17 years.  Don is married to Dori, and together they have four children.




  • 6:30 - 7:00 pm  -  Arrival and Registration
  • 7:00 - 7:15 pm  -  Introductions and Singing
  • 7:15 - 8:45 pm  -  "A World Ripe for Reform" - Glenn Sunshine
  • 8:45 - 9:00 pm  -  Closing Song and Dismissal


  • 9:00 - 9:30am  -  Arrival and Coffee
  • 9:30 - 9:45am  -  Introductions and Singing
  • 9:45 - 11:15am  -  "The Reform of Word and Sacrament" - Glenn Sunshine
  • 11:15 - 11:30am  -  Closing Song and Dismissal to Lunch


  • 11:30am - 1:00pm  -  Subway Lunch and Fellowship
  • 1:00 - 1:05pm  -  Transition and Opening Song
  • 1:05 - 2:35pm  -  "John Calvin and the Reformed Tradition" - Glenn Sunshine
  • 2:35 - 3:00pm  -  Extended Break
  • 3:00 - 4:30pm  -  "Lessons from the Reformation" - Pastor Don Willeman
  • 4:30 - 4:40pm  -  Closing Song and Dismissal