
We are excited to partner with Amirah as we join together with churches around New England to bring the hope of the gospel to some of the most vulnerable and oppressed among us: victims of human trafficking. Amirah specializes in providing wholistic, aftercare recovery for women who are rescued out of the wicked cycle of sexual exploitation. Presently, Amirah is the only credited Tier 3 safe home in all of New England according to Homeland Security and is recognized as a national leader in the recovery of survivors of sex trafficking.

The name, "Amirah," comes from the Persian or Arabic word for "princess" or "daughter of the king." As the name implies and based on the authority of Scripture, Amirah affirms  that human life is sacred, created in God’s image, and therefore, worthy of love, mercy and justice. Amirah's goal, therefore, is that each woman who comes through the program will be restored and empowered with a sense of her inherent value and God-given strengths.