We're excited to link arms with Speak for the Unborn (S4U) as we join together with churches all around the country to bring the hope of the gospel to a population that is struggling, hurting and desperate enough to consider aborting their own babies. S4U’s “Voice for Life Training Series” equips churches to serve in a way that is winsome, gospel-centered, and compelled by love. The Executive Director for S4U conducted four training sessions with Proclamation via a live Zoom conference call. The recordings for each session are located below. You may click on the following links to download the Training Manual for the training series and 20 Ways To Get Involved in Pro-Life Ministry.
Week 1 Training
- Overview and Why S4U - Study the biblical reasons for sidewalk counseling, as well as an overview of S4U’s distinct methodology.
- Foundational Guidelines - This covers the responsibilities of Network Churches and ministry teams.
- Watch the recording here.
Week 2 Training
- Making a Plan, Establishing Relationships, and Gathering Materials - This discusses the logistics of putting together a ministry team and effectively communicating with the church and the community.
- How to Pray (During the Week and On the Sidewalk) - This week offers both topics and methods of praying for your ministry team and the abortion-minded individuals you will be serving.
- Watch the recording here.
Week 3 Training
- Engaging on the Sidewalk: Abortion-Minded Women - You will learn how to engage specifically with women who are considering abortion.
- Engaging on the Sidewalk: Abortion-Minded Friends and Family - Learn how to engage with the friends, family, boyfriends, and husbands who have an influential relationship with the woman considering abortion.
- Watch the recording here.
Week 4 Training
- Engaging on the Sidewalk: Abortion-Choice Advocates and Clinic Workers - This week covers what to do and say when given the opportunity to speak with abortion-choice advocates and abortion clinic workers.
- Question-and-Answer and Prayer - The final week of training gives the team a full session to ask questions of the Executive Director on any topic, and will end with a time of prayer for the team as they set out to start their sidewalk counseling ministry.
- Watch the recording here.
If you have any questions about the Speak for the Unborn ministry at Proclamation, please contact Markes Wilson.