Only Jesus is Essential for Life

Only Jesus is Essential for Life

What do you really need in this life?  I mean, what are the essentials?  If you had to create a list of the things that are critical for your life, what would they be?  And how many things should be on the list?  Health professionals say that there are six essentials: food, water, shelter, rest, exercise, and air.

But when you look at the bible, it becomes clear that there is only one thing that we really need, at that’s Jesus.  In fact, in John 6:35, He says, “I am the bread of life, whoever comes to Me will NOT hunger, and whoever believes in Me will never thirst.”  Jesus just fed five thousand men, probably twenty thousand total people, with a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish.  And now He’s saying that He’s the only thing that you really need in this life.  Indeed, He’s the only thing that will ever satisfy you.  Now how is that even possible?  Well, because Jesus already knows that everything else is going to rot, rust, die, or decay.  So it’s true.  All that we will ever need, both now and forever, is Jesus.  So what’s on your list of essentials?  And is it only Jesus?

Something to think about from the Proclamation point of view.